Headcoach Mason Interview

Ende April wird uns unser neuer Import, Mason Bellew, für die Saison 2019 verstärken. Vorab haben wir ihm ein paar Fragen gestellt, lest selbst:
Geese: Hi Mason, we are very happy to announce you as our new head coach for the upcoming 2019 season. Could you tell us and the geese family a little bit more about yourself?
Mason: I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity. I played college baseball in Northern Minnesota and have since moved to Arizona to be closer to the game of baseball. I have been around the game of baseball my whole life. My dad has been a head baseball coach at the college level for as long as I have been alive. I hope to bring hard work, energy, and a positive outlook to the Crazy Geese for the 2019 season.
Geese: You have been already to Austria, Feldkirch. So far, what are your impressions about the game in Europe and Austria itself?
Mason: The whole country is gorgeous. I think it is a great opportunity to display my knowledge of the game and help develop the local talent pool. My first take on the baseball in Austria is that everyone really enjoys playing the sport of baseball. I had no clue that there was such a passion for the game in Austria.
Geese: Why did you choose the Geese for the 2019 season?
Mason: I really enjoyed my conversations with Thomas and Christian about the opportunity. I am eager to start playing the game again and it was to good of an opportunity to pass up. I also reached out to former Crazy Geese player Michael Gonzlalez and he had nothing but great things to say about the organization and his experience. The baseball field also looks phenomenal.
Geese: What are your goals and expectation for the next 6 months?
Mason: My goal is to be the best player and coach possible. Winning the MVP and guiding the Geese to the playoffs would be my biggest goal! Mostly, I want to enjoy the journey and be a good friend and coach to the team members and community.
Danke Mason, die Geese freuen sich schon darauf dich in Rohrbach willkommen zu heißen.